There is so much value creation to be had by linking the technologies of Apple and Tesla in this deadly manner. I’m sure the shareholders will be pleased at the synergies created here. Both companies profit! *
*At the expense of no returning customers as they are dead
Predictions looming over a boom in used Tesla market
I thought Hard-Drive was supposed to be satire, not news.
I swear this will become a reality in the next months
I’ve seen two videos of people doing it on social media.
It’s called innovation
The holy trifecta of stupid
Should be drivers with Elon’s Brain CPU chip, driving the Tesla.
Apple and Tesla, what a horrible combination
Apple isn’t irresponsibly beta testing self driving cars on public roads and getting people killed.
and nobody accused Apple of being responsible for Tesla
This is more of a dig at Tesla than a defense of apple.
We think you’re going to love it. Up until you crash your car.
The title and thumbnail made me snort laugh
Not the onion