“I urge Congress to come together and swiftly pass this bipartisan agreement,” President Joe Biden said, also praising the migration measures in the bill, which took months to negotiate.
However, House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson declared it “dead on arrival” if it reaches his chamber.
the bill includes a provision barring its funds from going to the U.N. agency for Palestinians, UNRWA.
Critical support to Mike Johnson for being against anything happening at all
The next sentence in the article says that he won’t let the bill pass because he thinks it doesn’t do enough for US border security. The bill gives $20 billion to spending on the US border and Mike Johnson says it should be more than that. Mike Johnson wants the bill to be even more evil.
Preventing evil by being too idealist about doing evil
come on mike. don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the malevolent
Yeah that’s the “critical” part. I don’t agree with his goal but I do appreciate him gumming up the works and making it harder for the rest of them to get their evil shit done
healthcare please
Almost every day at this point I’m praying the US pulls a Canada and at least one state implements universal healthcare.
FWIW, New Jersey does have universal healthcare for children and Medicare means universal healthcare for seniors.
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oh cool, packing all the evil stuff together
You could end world hunger for a hundred years or more for that amount of money. You could obliterate entire illnesses from the face of the earth. You could give expansive homes to every human being on Earth. This is the US dollar too, a famously high value bill (propped up by imperialism and death of course but my point still stands). And we are using to to kill people??
Edit: We could strip mine asteroids for that much money and start building a Dyson sphere. Almost every silicone valley hallucination ever conceived could be made a reality.
Edit 2: This amount of funding makes it hard for me to believe we aren’t approaching WW3, though that still seems unlikely
Edit 3: I mildly overestimated… heavily overestimated the buying power of that much money. Jesus Christ what is happening with inflation. I’m pretty sure the illnesses one is true though. They could delete Covid with that much money.
I really agree that we are going to move into some ww3 kind of situation. I just doubt true global hot war is possible but some kind of proxy on proxy on proxy thing.
: “No bro, you don’t understand. When my tax money goes to war, that’s gender-affirming care for us cis men. I get to feel like a big macho macho man by proxy!”
So cis men simply have the most inordinately expensive form of gender affirming care? Trans people stay winning
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Homelessness rampant in every major city: I sleep
migrant worker crosses border with 4 year old: real shit
Homelessness rampant in every major city: I sleep
To be fair, the chuds address it by saying “it’s the democrats fault! The homeless are just lazy!” Etc.
Liberalism is just disgusting all around
House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson declared it “dead on arrival” if it reaches his chamber.
I hope thats true and he unintentionally does the only good thing he’s ever done in politics
What a waste
$60 bil for Ukraine?
If the US is serious about helping Ukraine, they need to send them F-35s and deploy M1 Abrams MBTs and actually give Ukraine state-of-the-art technologies, not those already stripped of their best features because they’re afraid of technology falling into the Russian hands. Only then can they start to systematically destroy critical Russian military infrastructures, pushing the Russians back to the point where they could no longer sustain the war effort, and then forcing the Russians into a negotiation. Otherwise they’re just hanging Ukraine out to dry.
I too would love to see Russia shoot down the wunderwaffe plane
They don’t want to end the war, they want to bleed the Russians dry while printing cash for weapons manufactures
God damn this cursed country
Ending a war is a sub-optimal outcome for the capitalists.
It’s also probably a huge money and weapons laundering scheme
Its a war of attrition, and the US’ supplies consist of Ukrainian men
Even then it wouldn’t work. USA doesn’t have the quantity of wunderwaffen, they will lost to attrition because Russia has quantity
That is an inconceivable amount of money. That’s enough to pretty much solve every problem in the united snakkkes. Homelessness, healthcare, failing infrastructure, etc. It’s enough to end homelessness and build a high speed train clear across this shithole, COAST TO COAST! But no. We cant have a single nice thing because we live in the “hell on earth” timeline where we’re forced to experience hell on earth. Instead, all of the money under gods green sun is being used to fund a proxy war against Russia and a genocide in Palestine. I can not emphasize this enough; DEATH TO AMERIKKKA
This is definitely going to win the 18 to 34 year old voter demographic
I mean idk how much 118 billion is but that definitely sounds like the collective future of everyone in that age range turning to dust yes.
118 billion dollars is about 52 days worth of the US “Defense” budget, or almost 5 years of NASA funding.
Libs: Joe Biden is the lesser evil!
The greater evil they’re defeating by voting for Genocide Joe instead of PSL or Greens: not murdering fucktons of people
A lib has yet to explain to me what would be worse than unlimited unconditional support while telling anybody opposed to a ceasfire to “go back to their country” and until they do I will continue to enjoy telling them to fuck off and stop lying to me everyrime they try to convince me to vote for liberal genociders.
Seems like Mike Johnson is the de facto lesser evil here
What matters is to not have any party in total control.
Extremely @ username take
For context, it would cost $20b to end homelessness, and even cheaper just to get rid of bad zoning laws and allow the free market to do something right for once by building more.
I’m curious if you have any resources about YIMBYism from a left wing perspective? I know it’s a woefully incomplete solution and it’s impossible to reform capitalism from the inside, but should leftists support YIMBY policies in the short term? Or does building more not actually reduce the rent for people? Also how does this play into gentrification?
Sorry, maybe this would be better as a separate post, but if you have any thoughts or articles I’d be curious to read more.
lol all America knows how to do at this point is just print money
Population is so dumb and burgerbrained they can’t even build airplanes any more.
It really is wild that the efficient and objectively superior capitalism wasn’t able to predict that if you continue to cut corners on literally everyrhing to try to attain unlimited growth forever eventually you don’t have anything left.
I mean “the front fell off because it was cheaper than making it not fall off” was supposed to be satire of how ridiculous this mode of thinking was.