The Culture ones always get a giggle out of me
A Frank Exchange of Views
What Are the Civilian Applications?
Attitude Adjustment
iirc they’re all combat ships
My favourite has always been Anticipation of a new lover’s arrival, The
I’ve always loved the way things are named in the Halo universe. There’s a lot of ships with normal ass names but there’s also names like Forward Unto Dawn and Pillar of Autumn. The coolest one is probably the UNSC In Amber Clad.
The way things are named in Chinese history is similarly cool. Like Spring and Autumn Period.
Halo had great names for ships. The UNSC were a mix of epic or cheeky or some kind of reference to a place or a battle. The Covenant names were a bunch of imperious sounding religious themes. Must have been fun sitting around the writers room coming up with all those.
I’ve never played Halo but I love the lore. I fucking almost cried watching the Believe ads for Halo 3.
I hate how the fictional universe of Halo was sort of not taken as seriously, like what happens with a lot of video games. Like, a complete remake would be cool.
You should get the Master Chief Collection and play it on like, Normal difficulty. That one contains the first 6 games. Real breeze at that difficulty, no frustration and almost no dying/reloading, makes it a tour of lots of cool shit and lore.
I’m looking up some Covenant ship names.
- Song of Retribution
- Breath of Annihilation
- Shadow of Intent
- Eternal Reward
- Truth and Reconciliation (we all know this one)
- Spear of Light
- Infinite Sacrifice
- Supplication of Purity
- Ardent Prayer
- Adherent
So cool
Not really a space ship but it was the battleship that fought the Martians in War of the Worlds. The Thunderchild. It goes out guns blazing and then kamikaze rams a Martian craft as a final “fuck you, from Earth” to protect fleeing civilians.
Would be a cool name for a spaceship. For names from science fiction I’ve always been partial to the Vasudan aliens from Freespace. Rather than translate the names of their ships they examined human history and decided they were fond of the ancient Egyptians and chose Egyptian names so their Terran allies could refer to their ships with human words (solidarity wins again). Gotta go with the legendary GVD Psamtik for another great name.
I always loved The Culture for ship names such as
Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath
Mistake Not… is great. Just The Washing Instruction Chip In Life’s Rich Tapestry is another of my favorites.
In my half-baked MoreTankieStarTrek-verse the ship they fly around in is called the Solidarity, although the older members of the crew still sometimes call it by its wartime name, Central Park Firing Squad.
i like the ship names other posters mentioned from The Culture and Halo (never read anything with the culture tho)
Dialectical Materialism would be a great name for the future communist space fleet’s biggest ship/ship with biggest weapons, and should have built-in busts/statues of Marx and Engels built into the hull in a central forward position like Outer Heaven in MGS4
mildly obscene levels of nerd spacecraft fantasizing contained herein
if i had my ideal personal spacecraft (something around the size of the Millenium Falcon, like enough room for a cockpit, and a couch/bed/crew lounge/cargo area, but with a smoother rounded/aerodynamic/winged hull, and mechanical limbs equipped with thrusters for aerial agility, VTOL landing in uneven terrain, and combat engineering tasks and definitely not melee combat, all in a vaguely humanoid-with-a-flat-horizontal-torso configuration kinda like the Gerwalk mode from Robotech combined with the aerial bossfight from Titanfall 2, specced for speed and handling in both vaccum and atmosphere as much as a ship that size could handle), i would name it Soviet Jazz (Советский Джаз, painted on the hull in white) and paint it red.
also the Lancer RPG comp/con app mecha name generator is amazing and everything it comes up with is pure gold, after seeing comments in this thread i’m convinced they were heavily inspired by The Culture
Millennium Falcon, only because it was my favorite spaceship growing up, and it took me about 10-15 years to understand out what the words meant.
I can’t tell you the name of my spaceship because opsec.
Some of the ones I like from The Culture:
- Hand Me The Gun And Ask Me Again
- Ethics Gradient
- Another Fine Product From The Nonsense Factory
- You’ll Clean That Up Before You Leave
- Stood Far Back When The Gravitas Was Handed Out
This Reminds me ,A fantasy Book i read had “Whales” that float in the sky , in it and their names where also awsome like :
“Wind against rain heavy horizon in the spring morning light over the Green Sea”
“dancing snowflakes under the winter moons”
“loves monlight in the Winter Forest”
I’ve read all the books but I don’t remember this one: Another Fine Product From The Nonsense Factory. It’s very funny
“Botany Bay” as both the alliteration and sinister connotation that I expect from a space ship.
Austral*ans are sinister yes
I’ve always been fond of the USCSS Nostromo. Similarly, I like Alien Isolations space station Sevastopol.
My own ship I think I would name Point Nemo, named after the most remote point in the ocean which I think really fits for a space ship. Which itself is a nod to 20,000 Leagues.
I name my animal crossing islands Point Nemo as a nod to being the most remote point from reality, where I go to escape reality on my own little island.
USS Spaceboat
Hexbear One
deleted by creator
Fave: Sputnik
My ship: Ass Smasher 5000
I would name mine Poop One
I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for the UESC Marathon
Perfect name for a generation ship
Though, if I ever had a spaceship, I’d probably name it The Coqui