Hardware wise, Cut Slope is fully functional. Screen works, just need to figure out what I want to put on it.
Still working on a full case, but printed a quick tray for peace of mind while using it.
I don’t know how hard it would to achieve, maybe notes/reminders that you write throughout the day? A layer indicator? An animation going faster and faster when you type? Your keyboard 3d model slowly rotating? Time in different timezones? Random words of encouragement to keep you up during the day? State of ctrl/alt/super/shift/caps lock/num lock?
Lol that would be awesome
Hmm… WinAMP-style visualizer with an intensity based off of your WPM? Or maybe a character face that looks drowsy when idle, but reacts when you start typing? A breakout or Tetris game that plays itself? Snarky quotes making vague observations about your current typing tasks? (“Wow, look at all those numbers, someone must be a math wizard.”)
Matrix rain animation seeded by what you just typed
Adding onto this: purple rain, purple themed rainy city. , maybe even a star field.
does id run DOOM? :)
What are those keycaps?
Chicago Steno, MJF printed.
A second line of text.