Thinking of self-hosting some basic tools; SearxNG, Bitwarden, Lemmy.
What kind of tools are you self-hosting right now? Which ones are easy to manage, which ones are awkward? 👀
I believe I’m at 42 Docker containers now, lol. Some of the notable ones:
- Plex
- Vaultwarden
- Home Assistant (plus Node-RED, zwave JS, and mqtt)
- Pihole
- All the “arr” stuff
- Nextcloud
- Portainer
- FreshRSS
There is a lot of support stuff too like MariaDB and orbital-sync.
I’m going to be working on Lemmy when I get back from vacation but I leave in like 2 hours so that’s going to have to wait, lol.
By in large, the docker makes it stupid easy for the vast majority of my containers and portainer makes it even easier since you can manage everything through a web UI.
If you are using the arr stuff to download your Linux iso’s which vps you use or it is homelab?
Is there something killer about FreshRSS that makes you host that rather than using the Nextcloud RSS reader support? I used to have TT-RSS before I dropped it and my filesyncinc stuff for Nextcloud.
On an unrelated note, does anyone know if lemmy has rss?
Not by default that I am aware.
Can home assistant be used without the ad-ons (I want to learn some smart home stuff, but do not want the overhead of a vm)
Yes it can, though it is easier to set some things up with the built-in addons. Most addons can be set up independently as docker containers (like z2mqtt or node-red) but may require additional configuration.
Question about Vaultwarden. How does sync work? My browser extension for Bitwarden auto syncs to their server, is that possible with Vaultwarden? Or is it more for manual backup?
It’s the same thing. There’s an option before you sign into the extension to choose a different server.
NextCloud and Pihole are definitely being added to my list. Does self-hosting NextDNS seem worthwhile to you? 👀
I don’t know that it’s really necessary to use both nextdns and pihole. You may look at a couple of comparisons and decide what’s best for you. I just use pihole (two of them actually, one in docker and one on an actual pi).
- Plex
- Tautulli
- Jellyfin
- Transmission
- Pihole (and DoH proxy)
- npm proxy manager
- Flexget (similar to radarr)
- bedrock minecraft servers
- Home Assistant
- TPLink Omada controller
- Netdata dashboard
- Portainer
- VSCode (web version, to easily edit files on my servers)
I’ve never got what the point of Home Assistant is, seems to be it’ll talk to a load of smart devices and advertises you can control it with Alexa but at what point why not just have Alexa itsself control the devices?
You can write custom automations between all your smart devices. So I can connect Home Assistant to my phone, a Google Home mini, and Google Translate TTS, so whenever I plug in my phone to charge at night while I’m at home, the speaker tells me “Remember to brush your teeth” in an Italian accent. Or whatever specific weird thing you want. It puts a lot more control in your hands.
Not all smart devices are intercompatible with each other, but Home Assistant is agnostic and tries to work with everything. Most people tend to have automations based on things that Alexa or Google Assistant can’t handle.
It may be overkill if you only have a few smart lights that Alexa can handle, but once you have a hundred or more different devices… yeah, managing all of that becomes pretty complicated!
Home assistant has plenty of use cases. it is not only controling devices but also a very powerful automation system. A couple of things I use it for:
-start my laundry only when I have enough solar power to power it
-notify me when my laundry is done
-track energy usage of many devices (heaters, washing and dishwashing machines, A/C,etc)
-let me know when to open or close my windows based on inside and outside temperature
-Force my water heater to turn on when I have solar power
-Expose non-homekit devices to homekit
Solar power? That’s pretty cool, do you use it exclusively or just to bring down energy bills?
Im still connected to the grid. The idea is to use as much as I can from my panels instead of the grid.
If you share your Plex library with friends and family like I do, highly recommend looking into Overseerr! I had tried using OMBI before but it was a pain to get set up–actually I never succeeded and gave up. Overseerr was very simple, just another Docker container like so many others, really. Integration with Radarr and Sonarr was seamless for me.
thanks. I think I tried it some time ago but we end up never using it. we only watch it at home and my mother’s and she just text me when she wants something.
the watchlist sync feature is amazing, I dont even go to overseerr anymore I just browse directly in plex now and add to watchlist
What’s the reason for both Plex and Jellyfin?
Sometimes one or the other has a recent updates that causes problems, or a random movie won’t play right. It’s rare, but since both connect to the same NAS where all of my media is stored, running both is pretty easy and it’s nice to have a backup.
I use Plex on a daily basis, but Im testing Jellyfin from time to time. so I keep it htere
Not as much as I probably should be! I have a nice little Proxmox cluster, backed by a UPS and a beefy NAS, but mostly I use it for fussing around with stuff, playing with instances, nothing really mission critical.
I run everything off a Synology NAS using Docker, except for Plex which runs directly so I can take full advantage of hardware transcoding.
- Portainer
- Radarr
- Sonarr
- NZBGet
- NZBHydra
- Overseerr
- Jellyfin
- Nextcloud (only using this for GPodder sync right now)
I also have a separate mini-computer for Home Assistant. That runs on HA Blue, which was the limited run predecessor to Home Assistant Yellow. May seem silly to have separate hardware, but I was tired of my whole system going offline every time I needed to reboot HA (which means possibly interrupting a family or friend watching a remote Plex stream, the horror!)
Home Assistant OS (in a VM)
- MariaDB
- Matter Server
- Mosquitto Broker
- Z-Wave JS
AdGuard home
SWAG (Ngnix proxy)
Airsonic Advanced
The “arr” family -
- Gluetun (routes all the below containers through my VPN)
- Readarr (print)
- Readarr (audio)
- LazyLibrarian (magazines)
- Mylar3
- Sonarr
- Lidarr
- Radarr
- Prowlarr
- Flaresolverr
- SABnzbd
- qBittorrent
There’s a few other support containers for the above items like redis and postgres. This is all done on Ubuntu Server. But I’m slowly prepping to switch over to Unraid as I prefer the storage management on that. For me file storage and redundancy is a huge part of why I run all this.
- Debian
- ArchiveBox
- PostgreSQL (for my own stuff)
- Syncthing
- Miniflux
- GitWeb
- PiHole
- NextCloud
I’ve got a Synology NAS running Home Assistant and basic NAS stuff (mostly backing up NextCloud).
I’ve got a Linode (might move if I get less lazy) running NextCloud, and a setup for a Minecraft server I haven’t run for years. That NextCloud server replaced BTSync/Syncthing and TTRSS servers, and also now does my password syncing via KeePass, and contacts through webdav.
Not a ton of stuff, but I’m currently looking at some more, thanks to this thread.
At home:
- Open Media Vault on an RPi 4, with some containers, namely:
- qBittorrent
- PhotoPrism (not especially functional, more a proof-of-concept)
- mariadb
- PiHole on an RPi 3
- Volumio on RPi3s + DAC (x2)
On a Singapore-based VPS:
- Nextcloud
- Open Media Vault on an RPi 4, with some containers, namely:
This is likely not the thread for it, but I’ve been wanting to look for some kind of guide to self hosting for someone who’s never done it before. Once I get out of my lease that, while it includes internet, prohibits me from running any kind of servers, I want to potentially look into starting something, although that would also involve me getting a dedicated machine for this. I do have a somewhat old Raspberry Pi 3 from like 2016 I want to say (it has built in WiFi and Bluetooth but as I am currently home, I don’t have the specs on hand atm). The only other two machines are my desktop, which is way too overpowered to be running a server even some of the time, and my laptop, which I want to be able to take with me if I need to go work on something at a coffee shop.
There are some options for Pis like unraid.
Honestly though, just pick one problem you have and solve that with docker.
Beat your head against the wall trying to figure out the virtualization, volume mapping, permissions and networking.
Then start finding other problems to solve.
I stood up a homelab for media storage and streaming… and it has now grown to 30-40 applications running in parallel.
I suppose my main quandary arises from reaching a point where my apps need more headroom than I have to give
Off the shelf stuf:
- Lemmy
- Mastodon
- Tinc VPN (for retro gaming with friends)
- Nextcloud
- docker-mailserver (including roundcubemail)
- feedbin
- GitLab
- MediaWiki (set to private for personal notes)
- Minecraft
- Etherpad
- Munin
- Several wordpress instances for friends
- Discord bot that implements the basic rules for some TTRPGs
- Character generation tools for some niche TTRPGs
- Personal blog
- Signup website for a local community meetup
- Lemmy
- Jellyfin
- Wireguard so I can access my home network from outside
All three are easy to manage(so far).
Have you tried tailscale? It uses wireguard under the hood, but is much easier to connect multiple devices.
Yes, i have used tailscale. I just use wireguard alone because I find it has better performance in my experience.
That’s good to know. Perhaps I will start using wireguard for direct connections
Home Assistant, ESPHome, frigate, grafana, influxdb, mosquitto, nodered, plex, and a few web site servers. Once set up, they’re all easy to manage. The biggest challenge is upgrading Ubuntu on the web severs. All the other ones are Docker instance.
I’m usually a lot of what others are posting. One of my favorites so far has been HumHub. It’s a social media platform that’s like an old-school Facebook before all the news and ads. Currently have about 20ish members and it made available just for my large extended family. A lot of us already left Facebook so it’s nice to have a similar set of features just for us without outside influences.
Nginx Nextcloud Lemmy Emby HomeAssistant Paperless-ngx Podgrab Gokapi Snippet box Opnsense Deluge Pihole 3CX Omada SDN controller Gitea iredmail Hashicorp Vault Portainer Heimdal Firefox browser
- a few ancillary databases and management tools
I’m pretty happy with this lot and at the moment I’m not sure what I want to add. Perhaps some RSS reader, but I don’t think that’ll see much use tbh.