The new arms include biological weapons designed to induce sleep or sleep-related disturbances in enemy troops. The goal is to impair cognition and alertness.
will seek cognitive manipulation and control of enemies.
Other weapons it is working on include “genetic drugs” — pharmaceuticals designed to modify the genetic and physiological makeup of people and seek to impact cognitive, emotional, and behavioral traits.
Source? A think tank said so.
Oh no china hit me with the lullaby ray
they’re making the giant Havana Syndrome gun
Havana nice siesta
This think tank is literally three US military ghouls.
(a) Countering Chinese influence fund. —There is authorized to be appropriated $300,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for the Countering Chinese Influence Fund to counter the malign influence of the Chinese Communist Party globally. Amounts appropriated pursuant to this authorization are authorized to remain available until expended and shall supplement, not supplant, amounts otherwise authorized to be appropriated to counter such influence.
getting that sweet sweet cash
What a grift
Wish I could get paid to make up bullshit China is doing
“Oh yeah, they’re building a giant memorial to Mao that hypnotizes anyone who gazes upon it for longer than 5 seconds”
Gonna make a thinktank, as a bit.
What is a thinktank anyway? They’re websites that call themselves thinktanks that “publish” papers they make the fuck up every now and then.
They’re totally bullshit organisations invented for the purposes of creating deniability for the state that something came from a third party and not from themselves. Despite the fact that states are funding the thinktanks they’re “independent”.
That’s not fair. They’re also an important failson/daughter jobs programme
Five-Eyes operatives have risked everything to deliver this picture of the biological weapon
The new arms include biological weapons designed to induce sleep or sleep-related disturbances in enemy troops. The goal is to impair cognition and alertness.
“We helped the West get a good night’s sleep and they will never forgive us for it” - Xi Jinping
Looking forward to being tranquilised by the PLA and fultoned away to Dengism motherbase to be made to read The Governance of China until I defect or whatever.
Me getting dropped off at the Dengist Motherbase, “Oh, no no I’m already with you on all of this. Do you guys have like an advanced course for people who are already communists but haven’t finished reading Capital yet? Maybe some audiobooks for in the field?”
I saw China’s military in the closet making brain weapons and I saw one of the brain weapons and the brain weapon looked at me
Ralphie, get off the stage, sweetheart.
Yeah sorry boss, can’t come in today, the Chinese are making me sleepy
The new arms include biological weapons designed to induce sleep or sleep-alerted disturbances in enemy troops. The goal is to impair cognition and alertness.
This is actually very true. I’ve fallen victim to Chinese sleep and mind control weapons myself. They hide it in the form of delicious Chinese food, but really it’s a trick, and then suddenly after inducing a large amount of their “food” you begin to feel very sleepy. They get me every time, the bastards!
We need to be alert because I think the Chinese are sharing this weapon within their Axis of Evil too. I’ve sadly also been tricked using the mind control devices of seemingly delicious food and beautiful Korean women servers (spies!) to be manipulated into purchasing and consuming large amounts of weaponized Korean BBQ, which also induced the same sleep affliction.
The enemy is very cunning. Be careful, comrades. This is a war we cannot win.
I don’t even doubt that China might be looking into this kind of stuff, for the same reason that the CIA has looked into a lot of ridiculous ideas that were never going to work. At some point you either spend the government grants or lose them.
The concept of brainwashing was invented— by a CIA agent posing as a journalist— precisely because Westerners needed a way to reflexively dismiss the phenomenon whereby their own troops were being persuaded of communist ideas during communist captivity:
The idea of “brain-washing” can be credited to Edward Hunter, a CIA-funded writer and editor, who in 1950 started writing articles and books on the subject. His thesis was that Red China and the Soviet Union could control the minds of their respective citizenry— which explained how susceptible Americans captured on foreign soil would be. [11]
This new category, supposedly qualitatively different from normal ideology acquisition, itself turns out to be simply an ideological distinction without a difference.
which explained how susceptible Americans captured on foreign soil would be
“Could it be that our butchery is morally bankrupt, and that our adversary has good ideas? No, they must be mind controlling our people”
I like how American propaganda is more likely to be like “the reds are evil wizards” than aknowledging that socialism is a good idea.
“They have universal healthcare, 100% literacy, no homeless, better nutrition, and all their children are educated for free through university. They might be on to something.”
“You’ve just been brainwashed, shut up”
His thesis was that Red China and the Soviet Union could control the minds of their respective citizenry
It’s true–even at the dissolution of the USSR, a whopping 70% of its citizenry wanted it to stay together
thankfully Pizza Hut got involved and Russia’s better for it now
Posting Washington Times is cheating.
🐿️🚩 🐿️🚩 🐿️🚩 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑
Sigh. Not a single mention. Do y’all ever feel like your secret CCP VR Brainwashing Milker Project [CW:secret CCP VR Brainwashing Milker Project] isn’t getting the respect it deserves?
Chinese brain warfare includes sleep weapons, thought control
Has China become the Soviets from Red Alert 2?? lol that think tank must be a C&C fan
anonymous sources connected to the Pentagon claim the Chinese have possibly used the sleep weapons on Joe Biden.