Wow, didn’t think the pokemon fandom was that insane.
Its sad as fuck imo. Yet I completely get it, because whoever is still a Pokemon fan has to be insane by this point.
Yeah I like pokemon as a concept because of nostalgia but every time I try and give any of the new stuff a chance I get super disappointed. I’m not sure why anyone is still obsessed with it.
If the internet has taught me anything, it’s that every fandom has it’s insanely toxic element. Especially every game fandom.
Yeah, I don’t think I’m ever going to understand people who take time out of their day to write death threats to anyone. I guarantee whatever you don’t like about someone, that’s not the solution. You will be ignored at best and arrested or killed yourself at worst. Just, damn… idk. This stuff isn’t new to me or anything, but the mental gymnastics it takes to get there are just foreign to me and they only get more foreign as time goes on.
If people were this vehement when Game Freak regurgitates new Pokemon game maybe we’d get something good out of them. Instead they waste their energy this way…
People keep complaining about multiplayer issues but I’ve been playing with my friend over satellite Internet and have had no performance issues or crashes at all