It does make you wonder how many ‘bad’ politicians do actually have a humiliation kink. There’s gotta be a couple who just really get off on being the recipient of political humiliation.
That’s my theory for George Santos
Either that or just your bog standard attention whore
E: sp
Explains why his first port of call was Cameo.
from what i recall of the anthony weiner documentary this was almost certainly a factor for him
You might consider it a waste of 300 million bucks, but hearing trump call him Meatball Ron gave him an instant hard on and it was the first erection he’d had in years. The RNC all agreed it was money well spent.
Chicken Soup for the Political Soul
I’m confused. I thought The Onion was satire/parody news? This is truth.
You are confused, this isn’t the onion.
Oh, how I love The Hard Times! …Although, the name has a whole different vibe in the context of this article & the post title, lol. Gross, now I’m thinking about this jackass having an erection! Brain, why!?
Any humiliation is good humiliation!