All words are made up but Jerboa Dipodidae sounds extra made up.
Jerboans unite!
I’m on Connect
Same here. Connect gang unite 💪
Same, seems to be getting QoL updates more regularly which is appreciated this early!
IIRC they have updated at least once a night since I downloaded the app. Besides a few very minor complaints, I have nothing but praise for the app/developer(s). Especially since they have implemented multiple features I suggested, the latest was within 2 days!!!
To the moon!
Meanwhile me: Thunder
Mi scusi, come?
Wait until you hear about the archdemon WefWef.
I’m over here like: instantly crashes
Same, I’ll keep using the browser app or whatever it’s called for now
I have to say, Wefwef is a straight up Apollo replacement for me.
For sure!
I’m on OnePlus 6 and for me Jerboa doesn’t really work at all. Comments not loading etc.
I mean Jerboa isn’t made up. It’s an animal. The logo of the app.