I’ve seen some pretty distasteful MLK Day ads, but this one…
It’s somehow even worse in the original email. It has a little animation of the chocolates jumping into Dr. King’s mouth.
The chocolate industry also does a lot of slavery.
For anyone unsure, of course Cadbury isn’t exempt:
You’re doing free advertising for them so I’d say their campaign is potentially successful.
No, now I know to avoid this company
You’re implying that you would have been a customer. Maybe they lose some current customers off such tactics but if their stuff is being reposted everywhere a lot more people are s hearing about the existence of the service who have never heard of it before, and some of those will be new customers. Obviously many will find it distasteful, but most weren’t customers in the first place.
Right, and as current US politics shows us, pandering to the racists is a winning marketing strategy
Meh. Being a wrestling fan in the late 90s/early 2000s and watching WCW fall apart disabused me of the notion that there is no such thing as bad publicity.
Another proof that people running big companies are sociopaths. Seriously no one looked at that and thought it was distasteful?
“It’s ok we had a black person writing this”
“Snackers” huh
Holy shit. I used to work for this company. The CEO is the definition of Florida Man and treats his employees like shit. I guarantee he got high and put this together himself. Everyone should avoid giving them money (their competitors are better anyway).
This shits disgusts me and I’m white, cant imagine how it must feel for someone who has to contend with systematic racism