Will ears be provided if we don’t have our own?
Yes, but only limited supply is available, so please bring your own.
What boomers think schools are enforcing these days
Oh I wish they were enforcing this
Yess! 37C3 was too good.
Yoo was that hung up somewhere at the congress? Or what am i missing?
Pretty sure i saw it, at least as a sticker. And they gave cat ears away.
Nice :3
can confirm
I really should go at one someday, despite not being in the IT industry anymore
You really don’t have to be in that industry tbh
Ahh yes, the ня department
Why? And why cat ears? How about dog ears? Or rabbit? Or giraffe?
*Disappointed Batman grunts
And that is a valid option as well!
I believe the cat ears are for your protection in the laboratory MIS department.
Is the maid outfit optional? Please say it isn’t.
I thought I knew how to link to fellow lemmy sites, but nope.
Control Foundation DLC be like
Happy to be OSHA compliant ❤️