Why would you want to watch that?
Idk about you guys, but I typically don’t watch other people wipe their ass lol
I know an adult care nurse, she told me “everyone wipes their ass differently and they’re all convinced their way is the only way.”
Dude wipes coming in clutch. Watch me clean my asshole all day long friends.
“Wipers watching bidet users spray their nasty all over.” Two sides of the same coin if you ask me. The happy medium is the dry wipe followed by the wet wipe then another dry.
It’s directed water, and goes straight into the bowl. There’s no ‘all over’ unless you’re doing it wrong.
Also, I hope you’re not flushing those wet wipes. They lie about being biodegradable and cause fatbergs in the sewer that workers have to go down and clear.
it’s kinda sad how close minded some folks are… so much so that they’ll convince themselves that flushing harmful waste is ok.
Do you reach down and dip the toilet paper into the water to get it wet?
God no! lmao that’s almost as bad as that podcast guy that admitted he’d catch his own poop and gently drop it in the toilet so it doesn’t splash.
You can get plumbing-safe wet wipes (baby wipes, basically). They work perfectly well.
plumbing-safe wet wipes
That’s usually a lie. But as long as it’s a rent house, it’s fine.
they also cause millions of dollars in damages by clogging large scale sewer lines
I just do that dog thing where I hitch my legs up and use my arms to drag my ass down the hallway runner.
Imagine getting a toilet to piss on your arsehole and feeling smug about it.
Found the guy who’s never used a bidet.