Basically sex geeks.
I think this belongs in c/nottheonion.
No the hard times is also satire.
I didn’t realize I was in c/thesatire
True of gaming as well.
if you love what you do…
for me the greater challenge is that so many kinksters are actually very tedious people who really want to tell you about their sex lives in lieu of an actual conversation
A friend of a friend once talked me into going to a munch, where some scenes were going to be done. I’m interested in seeing new things and try to be open to having my horizons broadened, so I figured why not?
I have to say, not only did I find it intensely boring, it was also about as much of a turn-off as I can imagine any in-person experience being.
usually a munch is for discussions and not for scenes. often in public bars and such too
Yeah, munch is basically kink recess. It’s a get together for the community that is almost explicitly non-sexual, just because it’s good and useful to have some time set aside for that.
Now, to be completely honest, I’ve never seen the appeal. I’m not in the scene to talk about the scene. But I appreciate the benefits of them for people that want that social aspect.
I have a kink for white cotton camisoles and croptops, the thin material ones. I don’t know where it came from but it’s very strong. If I felt that way about feet I’d consider myself odd. Is there an acronym for this?
Looking for WCCCT(TMO) call me at 555-5555 if interested
On second thought it seems more like you’re joining a union with this abbreviation 😆
“WCCC” for “White Cotton Camisole/Crop top Connoisseur”
It’s not that bad you just have to start with a 4 letter acronym that means 6 words and from there you pick up a bunch of new acronyms that already mean something else to you and will randomly be used for their normal meaning without warning just to test if you’re paying attention
At this point it’s not just for kinks, it’s for modern sexuality and dating in general.
True tho. I dont care what you are if i like you and you like me we are good to go.
They’re into sounding, worming, diapers, and raceplay.
Eyeball licking. It’s, um, unusual. And prone to infection. Proceed with caution
Not kink exactly but I had a boss who abbreviated Due To/From (when one segment of the business owes another for something) as DTF and I never figured out if he was trolling us, or had just never seen it used.
I don’t know what it means and I probably shouldn’t ask.
So many different bois. But I just want one for myself.