Toxoplasma gondii does have a vector through cat feces and will make its way into the human brain from the bloodstream much the way it does the mouse brain, but the effects on humans seem to be less consistent and not as useful in the t-gondii reproductive cycle.
In the brain of a mouse, the mouse gets very interested in the smell of cat urine, hence making it more likely to get eaten by the cat. In the case of humans, they sometimes get more sociable, but more interested in going fast, that is, being in a vehicle that accelerates them to a high velocity. What the natural t-gondii fluke does not do is make someone obsessed with cats, prone to :3 or uwu, turn them into catbois, fembois or transgrrls.
Note that I specified natural. t-gondii fluke. This doesn’t mean a genetically engineered protozoa that does any or all of these things does not exist, or has not been released into the wild and is now infecting cats, mice and humans already according to the master plan.
is anybody in here over the age of 25?
Yes :3
Unfortunately, yes
Mood :3
29 here
Yes, I’m totally over it.
I’m more of a brain fungus person myself
Those damn yeerks
Undergoing cerenyarphosis
In 3 days tops they’re going to experience extreme fevers, muscle spasms and spontaneous flesh shedding as numerous tentacle like appendages rupture from their mouth ejecting the victims teeth painfully everywhere. Once this process is complete the victims husk and your memories of them is all that remains … aside from the newly born illithid staring you down.