This is not a bit holy shit, I looked at this guy’s account and this is genuinely what they do.
That’s some grotesque shit
If I were this guy I would simply not bring up fetish art to make this particular point
Looked at the account and when you said “this is genuinely what they do” you did mean it, jesus
Quite literally
Am I misreading him, or are his statements not even internally consistent? You can make quality art in any medium without skill, but also neither a beginner not an experienced user can make quality art in this medium?
I think what he’s saying is that AI isn’t just a magic art button, and that while amateurs can get good results, that’s true of any medium. An amateur painter or graphic designer can get passable results without a great deal of practice, but in order to get truly excellent results, you need to put in the time and effort, and that AI art is no different.
This level of huge, round, juicy boobs and thighs is only achievable by the most skilled and experienced AI prompter.
It’s the combination of the massive lower half, complete with the belly/thigh “cleavage” that chubby girls get, but also having a six pack that’s a different color than the rest of her skin that’s just
The tiny T-Rex arms, combined with the T-Rex in the background…kinda amazing, ngl
Tr… Transition goals…?
If you can dream it you can do it
Have these guys ever actually seen a woman?
Have they seen the cover art from Heavy Metal magazine, even?
problematic fav
Leaving aside the hyper fetish (which, lol), what’s his point? Does he think this has artistic merit?
Is this what the inside of a chud’s skull looks like?
Not entirely. Not enough racism.
That retweet he did lmao
nsfw art
I’m most offended with how the lyrics don’t match the song’s meter
The weird fetish for insanely large breasts is what turned me off from cartoon porn. Or I uh - I mean turned my buddy off, sorry officer
Right? It’s really grotesque. There’s like real human huge, and then there’s anime medium. Which is like 10x the size of real human huge.
The hero we deserve.
Jesus wept!
We live in hell
With enough practice, you too can design an unsettling sexual homunculus being chased by a dinosaur!
The hyper booba butta art is for sophisticated gentlemen, hexbear wouldn’t understand.
I ask, in the most sincere good faith humanly possible:
What on earth is the appeal of stuff like this? If someone could tell me please, I wish to understand if I can.
What the ever living fuck