Ist 1 year after this post. Its currently 2am and i ask myself: how did i end up here
The attraction of goth gf is just that it’s the only subculture archetype where it’s acceptable to be sexy and not thin like a rail spike. Hence, big tiddy goth gf.
You can be thicc in any subculture. Curvy women were never not attractive. What’s not attractive (nor healthy), even for supposed goth gfs, is being really fat.
They’re also wild (or at least look to be) and that gives an impression that they might also be kinky, or at least give a great sexual experience… whereas barbie girls are usually just for show.
In either case, both the barbie girl and the big tiddy goth gf are (generally) of no use in the household. One is for show, the other one is for sexual pleasure, but neither of them can be classified as good partners (in general… doesn’t mean it’s true for all). They usually care more about their style (appearance) than anything else.
So, to iterrate, it’s fun having them around if you’re a young adult, if you want a gf for show or maybe a little on the wild side, maybe a tigress in bed, etc… but… when it comes to actually marrying one, usually, none of them is them is the right choice. You want a partner that will be by your side and cherish what you both have? Go to a market or a convenient store at 9AM on a Sunday. Those are the people that know what responsibilities are and will always be there for you.
Once again, this is a generalization… doesn’t mean everything is like I described it… this is more of a past experiences sort of a thing, mainly my experiences.
Wow dude.
This is some 1950s shit right there.
That is my experience and I did point that out on a number of times in my post. Your experience may differ from mine.
Plus, I don’t live in the US, so things may be different here than what they are over there. Don’t assume that just because I’m an English speaker that I’m automatically from the US.
The problem is not your experience, it’s your opinion. It’s highly, highly misogynistic.
I’m not sure why you hastily point out you are not American like it’s some sort of excuse. Neither am I, but I’m also not a huge chauvinist piece of shit.
Because most just assume that I live in the US and start posting things that are US specific.
My point was, we come from a different background and different life experiences. I laid out my experience and piointed out, on a number of times, that experiences may differ and that this is just my own personal opinion and experience. You don’t like it, don’t read it 🤷.
Because most just assume that I live in the US and start posting things that are US specific.
Like what? I’m really curious. Because I’m pretty fucking far from the US, both physically and culturally.
My point was, we come from a different background and different life experiences. I laid out my experience and piointed out, on a number of times, that experiences may differ and that this is just my own personal opinion and experience.
That’s a lot of words to avoid copping to posting incel crap. You have women where you live right? Learn to do better.
Not American here either, and wow, do you miss every mark.
That may be your POV, but I think we can agree that it might not be everyone’s.
It seems like you’re the odd one out here.
Stop listening to Andrew taint or wherever you got your info.
I don’t usually get this much misogyny with my morning coffee
That first paragraph was a warning that you hold some bad ideas.
The first sentence of the second paragraph show that everything you say can be dismissed without further examination.
Hey, that is my experience, and I did point out that it might not be true for everyone, on a number of times.
Lol. You sound like an incel.
OK, your take on things I guess 🤷.
Please don’t make sweeping generalizations about whether or not women are “of use in the household” ever again, thanks.
I was kinda with this dude’s argument until 8:45, where he lost me enormously.