You know whose actions won’t result in the deaths of between three and four million people?
The products and services that support this show?
Ads, sophie.
I’ve heard this guy helps super villians branch out. He can also fly with an umbrells like Maggie Poppins
Oooh, I’ll have to give it a listen. I’ve been working my way through all their episodes.
This ones a 6 parter. Also, if your a fan if the dollop, both Dave and Gary are on these
I was planning on giving this a relisten tomorrow in celebration.
I absolutely love BTB. Such a good podcast, especially the longer series like this one. It’s a bit of a time commitment but well worth it.
I love the podcast as well, but I was getting a bit depressed after hearing all the awful things these people did
Same. Had to take a long break from it after a while. I did discover Mike Duncan’s “The History of Rome” though and gobbled that up. Nom nom nom.
I realize this is from months ago, but years ago I listened to the history of Rome while it was being created. After it was done I was still wanting more Rome history and I found 12 Byzantine Rulers. Great show that summarizes the eastern empire well.
Nice one. Though it’s months later I appreciate the recommendation. I’ll check it out. Thanks. :)