As I get more and more invites to private trackers, I’m finding that I find myself spending more and more time on public tracker websites.

I’ll only use private trackers if I can’t find what I’m looking for on a public tracker. Private tracker rules can get pretty onerous and I prefer to just avoid the whole scene if possible.

If I’m honest, this opinion surprises me. I didn’t expect to prefer public trackers. I always thought that private trackers were so cool and exclusive. I don’t think that way anymore.

    297 months ago

    How do you go about getting invited to a private tracker?

    I seed all my Linux isos on public trackers but I’m not active in any communities

    Will an owl show up someday with a letter?

      117 months ago

      Yes. you just need to visit an open invite forum/thread like on reddit or on the interwebz.
      Keyword: Open Signup

    • jrbaconcheese
      37 months ago

      You get an invite from a member. Or you can trade if you have an invite to spare, but I think it’s frowned upon by some.